Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Also in 2010, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability continued to form an integral part of the corporate structure and strategy of Telefónica O2. During the whole course of 2010, the Company considered the impact of its activities on the external environment, strived to involve all stakeholders and satisfy all Company’s needs which have arisen from the developments in the marketplace. Telefónica O2, as the leading provider of telecommunications services in the Czech Republic, tried to leverage its market position of the benefit of the needy. Building of trust, win-win partnerships and a dialogue with all stakeholders were the pillars of the Company’s CSR policy. By joining all these pillars in its CSR policy, the Company tried to achieve maximum effectiveness, help and support.
Ernst & Young performed an audit across the Telefónica Group, which examined key CSR areas (environment, ethics, employee relations, customer relations, supplier relations and community relations). The audit conclusions were used in the planning of goals and action plans for the year ahead. CSR objectives were presented to the Company’s Board of Directors and Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, which supervises the process of execution of CSR activities.
A group-wide survey focused on the perception of Telefónica O2 in the eyes of the public, the so-called RepTrak, was carried out on an ongoing basis during the whole year. The survey helped to define CSR priorities and manage the Company’s reputation.