Caring for the environment
Environmental policy
The commitment of Telefónica O2 to keep the footprint of its operations on the environment minimal in 2010 was anchored in the Company’s long-term strategy and Environmental Policy. The Environmental Policy focuses on the elimination, or at least the mitigation, of damage to or degradation of the environment – in its whole or in part and with regard to the Company’s sphere of activity; in doing so, the company uses the latest research. Telefónica O2’s fundamental principles of environmental protection were coordinated across the Telefónica Group and helped to deliver on both the group and local objectives and meet the statutory and other conditions.
Green Company
Telefónica O2 continually worked with its suppliers, gradually raising the bar they have to meet, in order to promote the ideas of environmental protection in its external environment. The Company continued to lead by example in 2010 - its Green Company programme involved employees in protecting the environment
Reducing our environmental footprint
The Company continued in its successful campaign to reduce its negative footprint on the environment. In providing for its operations, Telefónica O2 in 2010 consumed more than 2.5% less electricity, and 7% and 50% less natural gas and water, respectively compared to 2009. Also compared to 2009, the total volume of polluting emissions released into air from heat and power generating sources and from vehicles was also reduced; for instance the consumption of fuel was down more than 20% year on year. The Company also successfully managed its waste generation and again achieved a year-on-year reduction in the volume of generated waste.
The way the Company cares for the environment showed also in other areas – for instance, recycled materials and environmentally friendly materials continued being used for packaging.
The Company’s activities in the environmental area were regularly audited, both internally and with respect to suppliers. The standard of environmental protection is certified according to ISO 14001 international standard. Telefónica O2 was the only telecommunications operator in the Czech Republic to have this certificate.
Supporting sustainability events
Also in 2010, Telefónica O2 worked to promote principles of active care for the environment within the social area. One of the major campaigns in this respect was the social project Let Your Old Cell Phone Help, the proceeds of which went for the benefit of the Safety Line.
In 2010 Telefónica O2 became the general partner of Open Air Festival, a new all family multicultural project. The organizer Abaton Production and the sustainability partner Bioplaneta organised, together with the Company, the first year of the event. The all-encompassing environmental concept of the festival also meant that 90% of all waste was recycled after the event, and the waste was collected throughout the event, not after it ended as usual.
The festival was entered for the Greener Festival Awards and received the mark ‘Commended’ (2nd best). Telefónica O2 also received an award for Best Partnership of 2010 in the Top Corporate Philanthropist Awards organised by the Donors’ Forum in collaboration with Czech Top 100.