ICT services, solutions for business
and for the government
As in the other segments of its business, also in ICT and business and government solutions, Telefónica O2 began to see the first signs of recovery in the economy. Furthermore, after the parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic, the new cabinet commissioned a review of cost-effectiveness in the public sector, with the aim to close the state budget deficit by way of reducing government spending. This resulted in a lower number of ICT projects in which the Company participated. Despite challenges of the economic situation, Telefónica O2 confirmed its position as a reliable and efficient partner to the government’s needs for telecommunications and comprehensive ICT solutions.
The Company successfully forged ahead with its systems integration project at the Ministry of Agriculture, participated in projects for supporting ICT operations at the State Agricultural and Intervention Fund, Ministry of Transport and the Office of the Government Representation in Property Affairs.
In 2009, Telefónica O2 engaged in partnership with the Czech Post to provide technology for the Data Box Information System (ISDS), the flagship project in the field of eGovernment. The data boxes are used as a data repository and to deliver official digital correspondence from the authorities and for making certain acts with regard to them. The volume of transactions carried by the system in the form of data messages in 2010 exceeded 27 million.
In line with its eHealth strategy, Telefónica O2 started a pilot operation of a new service O2 Emergency Care, which was implemented in partnership with the town district of Prague 10. The service is to benefit namely senior citizens who live with a constant risk to their life or health. After pressing a button on the handset, the user is automatically connected to a helpdesk staffed with operators who are qualified according to the relevant legislation in the area of social services.
The year 2010 also saw the live launch of Pilsen Card in a Handset, which is an equivalent to the plastic multifunctional smart card of the Pilsen Municipal Transport Company. The project relies on NFC (Near-Field-Communication), which allows for the integration of the Pilsen Card in selected mobile handsets. Telefónica O2 implemented this project in partnership with other external suppliers.