Convergent services
In 2010, Telefónica O2 innovated its successful concept of consumer services which had been launched in May 2009. It is based on fixed broadband ADSL access (O2 Internet, Internet Home). These tariffs let the customer choose freely and flexibly from a diverse portfolio of fixed and mobile services, and benefit for example from a combination of fixed broadband with O2 Mobile Internet, O2 TV digital television, O2 Calling or the mobile tariffs O2 NEON. Greater efficiency and the focus on the customers’ needs were the mark of Telefónica O2’s convergent market offer. During the course of the year, the combined services were gradually gaining popularity among the customers of Telefónica O2. The convergent concept also allowed for effective routing and managing data traffic from customers, which delivered additional efficiencies in the utilisation of fixed and mobile data networks.
From September 2010, corporate customers of Telefónica O2 were invited to take full advantage of what a truly convergent operator could offer. O2 Team Combi, a solution for company mobile communication, gave customers the ultimate availability through the redirection of fixed line calls to a mobile number or the other way round, and made it possible to implement corporate communication rules (call bans and restrictions, company numbering plans, tagging of private calls, etc.). O2 Team Combi could be installed with every voice service; prices started from CZK 1 per month.
Starting from the third quarter of the year, Telefónica O2 offered a mobile back-up solution to its fixed service, internet access and data VIP service customers; the new service ran on all mobile networks (UMTS, EDGE, CDMA, GPRS), and together with the widest fixed data network coverage, a number of technologies to choose from and the added benefit of the mobile network, Telefónica O2 offered to its corporate customers an unprecedented guarantee of quality of data communication, with higher availability and guaranteed access even when the network was experiencing problems. The offer of convergent services included also a fully mobile access to the corporate fixed data network, which has the benefit of integrating highly mobile, temporary sites or locations that are outside the reach of the fixed line network into the customer’s ICT systems.