Concern and interests in other companies

O2 Czech Republic a.s. / ownership interests in other companies / Holding

Besides conducting its own business, O2 Czech Republic a.s. owns shares in other companies. Relation to such companies and the shares is determined by the shares’ size, possibility to exercise influence in the companies and by the will of O2 Czech Republic a.s. whether to manage the companies.

Subsidiaries in O2 Czech Republic holding

O2 Czech Republic a.s. is the managing holding company of the O2 Czech Republic holding pursuant to Sec 79 et seq. of the Business Corporations Act. Holding management is applied to the following subsidiaries:

Company name Registered/share capital O2 CR’s share
O2 IT Services s.r.o. * CZK 200 000 000 100,00 %
O2 TV s.r.o. CZK 1 000 000 100,00 %
O2 Financial Services s.r.o. CZK 200 000 100,00 %

INTENS Corporation s.r.o.

CZK 210 000

100,00 %

O2 CRM Services s.r.o.

CZK 5 000

100,00 %

* Holding management applied as of 22 December 2015

Other subsidiaries

Furthermore, O2 Czech Republic a.s., as a parent company, controls the following subsidiaries pursuant to Sec 74 of the Business Corporations Act:

Company name Registered/share capital O2 CR’s share
Nej Kanál s.r.o. CZK 100 000 100,00 %

Joint ventures

O2 Czech Republic a.s. owns shares in joint ventures of O2 Czech Republic a.s. and other companies.

Company name Registered/share capital O2 CR’s share Additional information
Tesco Mobile ČR s.r.o. CZK 200 000 50,00 % Joint venture with Tesco Stores ČR a.s.

Other ownership interests

O2 Czech Republic a.s. holds shares in other companies. O2 Czech Republic a.s. does not manage or control these companies:

Company name Registered/share capital O2 CR’s share Additional information
První certifikační autorita, a.s. CZK 20 000 000 23,25 %  
Dateio s.r.o. CZK 226 690 12,09 % Owned through O2 IT Services s.r.o.